Everybody is talking about it, 3,000,000 new people are doing it each month, doing what... going on-line! The Internet offers immediate answers to question we don't even know people are asking, question like, "Who can I hire for that job?" Well, we're providing answers for those questions by offering our Talent Source client their very own web page for the acting, modeling, and entertainment professions. We are building a state of the art web site, a web site that will host your own page for ridiculously low price of $99.00 per year, that's right $99.00 per year! You'll get two scanned photos and your resume listed plus your very own address that you can print on your cards, mailer (i.e. www.talentsource.com/yourname.html), etc. Plus you'll be included in our overall marketing program (AT NO COST TO YOU) as we constantly list and update our site with the 150 largest search engines in the world. It's cheaper than an order of headshot cards and you'll never run out! For less than the cost of 6 Federal Express letters that take overnight to reach a client, we'll have your photo and resume to them in the time it takes to log on to your address. Contact Talent Source for an application, or download it NOW from our web site, return it with your resume, check, and original photos and we'll have you on-line, on time for the next opportunity.

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